Rick's Blog

Sin Separates

When we sin, it separates us from the prefect, sinless God.  What unites us again? Repentance!  Repentance is where God meets man. Jesus began His ministry by preaching repentance. Mark 1:14. Sin also separates us from those we have sinned against. There is a barrier between us. How do we tear down walls that separates […]

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What an Apology Should Look Like

“Go tell your brother you’re sorry for hitting him!” I don’t believe making your children say they’re sorry is all that helpful, and may be detrimental. If they’re not sorry, then you are basically making them say something that is not true. What should you do? First, have them confess what they did. They’re confessing

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Daddy Why Do You Love Me?

A few years back, when I was tucking my son into bed, he asked, “Daddy why do you love me?” A moment of panic hit as the weight of the question hit me.  My mind raced as I tried to think up an answer. Was it because he was a good athlete? No, I would

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It All Begins With Relationship

Parenting is hard. Without relationship, it is impossible. You’re missing the fuel that makes discipline, training and family life go if  your child doesn’t know that you love them and you are willing to sacrifice your wants for their needs.  To build relationship, look for ways to connect. Scott Turansky, National Center for Biblical Parenting,

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